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News > Alumnae news > St Mary's Revisited

St Mary's Revisited

In the Spring Term, we were delighted to welcome back treasured alumnae who left St Mary's more than 40 years ago.

In the Spring Term, we were delighted to welcome back treasured alumnae who left St Mary's more than forty years ago. Some chose to make a day of it by meeting up for lunch in Cambridge before travelling, debutante-style, to their reunion in the oldest, yet still familiar, part of the Senior School - The Elms.

To help the conversation and memories flow, a  pop-up museum was on display, with photos ranging from the early 1900's right through to the latest development in school - the Mary Ward Educational Suite. Clippings from past Pastonian newsletters provided a hint of who-was-doing-what, and our guests were intrigued to see their names mentioned in the school's historical reporting of  exam results, sport achievements, travels abroad and career developments over the years.

A tour of some of the remembered parts of the school brought out laughter and more memories, while the newer elements provoked admiration for new classrooms which alumnae said 'they wouldn't have minded being taught in themselves'.

Over tea, our alumnae were delighted to catch up on all the recent developments in our dynamic and supportive school, which, with a 125-year history behind it, still remains the only all girls' establishment in Cambridge. 


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