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News > Alumnae news > Inaugaral St Mary's Charity Golf Day

Inaugaral St Mary's Charity Golf Day

No holes in one, but a whole lot of fun, at the St Mary's Inaugural Charity Golf Day!

The St Mary’s School Inaugural Golf Day, held on 4 June 2024, was a resounding success, bringing together a vibrant group of 16 ladies comprising of alumnae, former parents, and friends of the school.

The golfers enthusiastically engaged in four sets of foursomes, showcasing their golfing skills and fostering a spirit of friendship on the greens at Royal Worlington & Newmarket Golf Club. The weather managed to stay dry and contributed to a successful day, creating a perfect backdrop for rekindling old friendships and making new ones.

Following the friendly competition, lots of laughter and a few lost balls, everyone gathered in the clubhouse for a cup of tea and a slice of cake. The atmosphere was welcoming, positive and filled with joy as stories were shared and connections strengthened. The feedback was overwhelming happy, with many attendees already expressing their desire to make this golf day an annual tradition. This event not only celebrated our community's sporting spirit beyond the school years but also reinforced the bonds that create this community.

We look forward to building on this success and hosting many more memorable gatherings in the years to come.





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